See the many ways you can mix and match Oregami FIT to suit the way you travel.
Introducing Oregami FIT
On The Menu Radio Interview
Our own David Kao was recently interviewed by Ann & Peter Haigh of On The Menu about the interesting journey Oregami Luggage has taken from conception to production of today’s most innovative luggage organizer system. Click the link below to listen.
Intrepid Beta Testers Take Oregami To Hawaii
We’ve begun to send out a few OREGAMI Touring Series duffel bags into the field for testing and user feedback. We appreciate those that have traveled with our luggage. We are continually striving to improve the design, and along the way, have learned a lot about our customers, and how they use our luggage.
Special shout out to Tom and Julie D, who took two of our bags on vacation with them to Hawaii. Take a look at the short video they made showing OREGAMI in action. How will you OREGAMI?